Why can't I access my tutoring session in Microsoft Teams?

If you find you have issues logging into our CL-150 sites such as the CL-150 Platform, CL-150 Orientation page, or Microsoft Teams, etc., it could be that you are on a secured government device or in a government facility.   

Note if you are on a secured government device or facility, you may not be able to access the orientation page. Please register from your personal device and try logging in from home. 


For issues logging into your Teams tutoring session follow these three steps: 

  1. If you already have a government-issued Teams account, sign out of it completely. If you are unsure how to do these, please reference this MS Teams Help Article: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/sign-out-or-remove-an-account-from-teams-a6d76e69-e1dd-4bc4-8e5f-04ba48384487#ID0EBBD=Desktop 
  2. Open your email client and find the email for your tutoring session(You are emailed a new link for each session.).  Click the Teams tutoring link for your session. 
  3. Create a guest account and sign into the Teams tutoring session(on your desktop app or web browser).

Alternative solution:

If you normally log into your gov-issued Teams with a desktop app, choose the web browser instead. This will help you avoid conflicts between your account issued by your organization and the guest account access needed to join your tutoring session. Essentially, this is the equivalent of joining without an MS Teams account. See https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/join-a-meeting-without-a-teams-account-c6efc38f-4e03-4e79-b28f-e65a4c039508 for detailed steps.