Unsubscribe from Transparent Language Online emails

Learn how to unsubscribe your account from Transparent Language emails Note: If you are already logged into your Transparent Language Online account, skip to step 4a

  1. Login to your email inbox and look for the last email from Transparent Language
  2. Open the message and scroll to bottom
  3. You will see an 'unsubscribe' hyperlink
    1. unsubscribe-link1
    2. unsubscribe-link0
  4. Click 'here' hyperlink and you will be logged into your account and brought to the User Profile page
    1. If you are not brought to the User Profile page after clicking hyperlink, click the 'profile' icon in top-right of the navigation bar
    2. profile-button1
    3. Within drop-down menu, click on 'Profile' option
    4. On the new navigation page that appears, click 'User Profile' to proceed to your User Profile
  5. After reaching User Profile page, scroll down to the bottom
  6. Unmark the top checkbox within Emails column to unsubscribe from all emails, or unmark the boxes below if you'd like to choose individually
    1. unsubscribe-link2
  7. You should see a notification at bottom of screen about changed settings
  8. Once the notification displays, you are all set to logout of the account


Congratulations, you have unsubscribed from Transparent Language emails!