Transparent Language Screening Test Beta

By signing up for the Transparent Language Screening Test Beta, you agree to the following terms.

  1. Eligibility: To participate in the beta, you must be an HR manager or other hiring manager evaluating the screening tests for use in your hiring process. Transparent Language can revoke your beta account at any time if we feel you do not meet this criteria.
  2. Participation requirements: Participation in the beta is voluntary. In exchange for 60 days free access to Transparent Create, we may ask you for feedback in the form of online surveys, virtual interviews, and video testimonials. We can revoke your beta account at any time if you are not an active user willing to provide feedback.
  3. Continued access: A beta account is valid for 60 days. We hope to make a paid subscription available at the end of the beta. If you purchase a paid subscription to Transparent Language screening tests, we will make every effort to ensure you can continue using your current account, but continued access is not guaranteed.
  4. Privacy: Transparent Language staff will have access to your test admin portal, but will not publicly publish or reveal any private data belonging to your company or your test takers (company name, employee names, test taker names, test results, etc.) without your explicit consent.