Direct linking to localized interfaces

If your organization currently subscribes to Transparent Language Online, read on for how to configure a direct link to one of the localized interfaces for your users to access through.

If you would like to directly link to one of the localized interfaces in Transparent Language Online, you will need to configure your URL properly with your organization's Transparent Language Online nickname in the URL, as well as the localization tag of the language you'd like to direct users to.

Depending on the site ( or that your Transparent Language Online access URL has in it, your configuration will be slightly different.

Localization tags currently available:

es_ES = Spanish
fr_FR = French
ar_XX = Arabic
ko_KR = Korean
pt_BR = Portuguese Brazlian
tr_TR = Turkish
en_US = English

For libraries, your URL will look similar to this:<LIBRARY NICKNAME>/game/ng/#/dashboard?locale=<LOCALIZATION TAG>

For example:

For academic organizations (including schools and universities), your URL will look similar to this:<SCHOOL NICKNAME>/game/ng/#/dashboard?locale=<LOCALIZATION TAG>

For example:

Note: some higher education and K-12 libraries may access Transparent Language Online via, especially those with access through a statewide organization. You will want to pay close attention to how your current access URL is configured before configuring your URL with the localization language in it.